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15 . 11 . 2019

Rodstation’s good reputation grows internationally

INTEREST in Rodstation’s products continues to grow with an increase in demand from chimney sweeps here in the UK but also from sweeps abroad, via our international partners.

A case in point is Scandinavia where our top market products are distributed by our regional master distributors, Alf Petter Pettersen and Marianne Benterud (, who run Skorsteinsutstyr AS from their HQ in Oslo, Norway.

Rodstation’s Managing Director, Adam Pedersen, met up with the industrious duo, at the Nuohoojat general meeting (a chimney sweeps union event) held at the Hotel Cariba in Turku, Finland, on November 8. The idea behind the event was for Finnish sweeps to get-together and enjoy lectures from industry experts. There was also the opportunity to handle Rodstation’s latest products at a special exhibition showcasing sweeping equipment. Other companies at the event included Schiedel and Wohler.

“It was a really good show in Finland,” said Rodstation’s Adam Pedersen, “just so wonderful to meet up with Petter and Marianne again, as well as shake hands with sweeps who’d travelled from across the country, just for the gathering.

“Chimney sweeping in Finland, as is typical with many Nordic countries, involves sweeping from the top down, lowering a ball on a rope with a metal brush. The Finnish sweeps were impressed with how the Flueboss equipment can be used from the roof or appliance, and it’s far more effective for removing heavy tar deposits. For them, sweeping from the roof in heavy snowfall (as you get in Finland) has many obvious dangers.”

Adam said that the social side of the event was wonderful, meeting old faces and getting to know some chimney professionals for the first time. At least 100 chimney sweeps swapped their overalls for black tie and smart dress for a gala dinner held in the evening.

Adam added: “ The event as a whole was a real success for Rodstation with our equipment well received and orders have been dispatched to areas as far north as Lapland.

“A question was asked about the thermal properties of the copolymer we use in manufacturing our rods. The -50 to +165° C range of our equipment was a real selling point in comparison to nylon and polypropylene that some other manufacturers use which becomes brittle in minus temperatures. The sweeps thought our gear had a tremendous advantage and we took a lot of orders! A number of them said they’d heard Rodstation was favoured by sweeps in other countries.”

Adam commented: “Rodstation enjoys distributing professional chimney sweeping equipment across the globe. We appreciate the hard work of our distributors, such as Petter and Marianne in Scandinavia; offering chimney sweeps the very best equipment needed to ensure consumers use their indoor fires and chimneys safely.”

Rodstation Finland

Rodstation Finland

15 . 11 . 2019